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ROOM GIRL Relationship Feature

Two 3D asian women with large breasts
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Yet another gameplay feature for ROOM GIRL has been revealed by ILLUSION as we approach the release of the game, set to come out 30th of September 2022. I have taken the liberty to translate the page for you.

If you have not read the first gameplay feature post from last week, you may do so from here to catch up with all the features revealed thus far. If this is your first time hearing about ROOM GIRL, you can watch the trailer before continuing.

Relationship stages

There are five states of relationship in ROOM GIRL; (他人) Stranger, (友達) Friend, (恋人) Girlfriend, (愛人) Lover, and (性友) Friends with benefits.

You do not have to make a hard decision on which of the women you wish to pursue romantically and/or sexually as you may date more than one girl simultaneously.

Each character is said to behave differently from one another in each of the five relationship stages, thus making them unique in personality. This sounds very similar to the Koikatsu series which is known to have a great number of different characters each bursting with personality. It is safe to say that ILLUSION will most likely nail this feature having to breathe life to only six characters this time around.

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New relationships can spring out from unexpected situations, like for example two female students scheming a plan to have their way with their tutor (meaning you).

Though there is nothing more said about relationships born from such events, it currently looks like the game has some form of a scripted story that will introduce each character naturally before the player may start developing a relationship with them.

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As you advance your relationship with a character to a more serious stage, the temptation for other women will test your faith. While in a relationship, you can sneak away with other women behind your lover’s back and take them to a cafe, as one example, to have sex with them in secret.

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Each woman in ROOM GIRL works in a unique environment and occupation which brings different ways to have sex.

As a nurse, you can try to seduce your patients, while as a casino dealer, you may utilize a strip pole to charm your audience. When playing with the Idol character, you can advance her career by having sex with the manager. Even though the end goal of getting laid is the same, the means to get there change depending on which woman you are controlling.

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Are you excited for ROOM GIRL? If yes, consider supporting EroGuySensei on Patreon to help bring a detailed description and raw gameplay footage of the full game upon its release.

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