ISEKAI QUEST is a colorful hentai puzzle game featuring sexy and young-looking Anime waifus who wait for you to strip them half-naked during battles. Developed by Ginkgo Studio, the game was released on Steam 16th of September 2020.

ISEKAI QUEST currently has 1 free DLC available: ISEKAI QUEST: True vision, which unlocks the hentai content in the base game.

Battle cute sexy anime girls in puzzle-styled combat, similar to games such as HuniePop and Wish. Tear off the girls’ clothes, fuck them, and enjoy the colorful and beautiful art style the game provides.

Just last month (October 30, 2020), Ginkgo Studio brought players a new Waifu to enjoy, named Shymi. This is a free update to the game, and considering the game only costs 3,29€, ISEKAI QUEST just keeps on giving! It is a very short adventure, but when the price is right, there is no reason to feel disappointed other than yearning for more.

The little I have been researching about Ginkgo Studio, it appears the developers are passionate about their game and wish to improve it for the players to enjoy even more. With free updates and character reworks, you can’t help but feel happy to support the game in hopes the developers will continue their generous path of providing more characters in the future as well.

HuniePop is the reason why I began liking these types of lewd puzzle Waifu games in the first place and ever since that time I have been looking forward to discovering more of the same genre. ISEKAI is my latest discovery on that front and I can’t wait to get to play it to see if it can live up to HuniePop’s level of fun or even surpass it.

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