Yu Escape / Monday is an Erotic Escape Room game where you must find a way to escape your new girlfriend’s crazy challenge with sexy rewards waiting for you at the end.
Developed by Team Tailnut and published on Steam 1st of May 2020, Yu Escape / Monday has been received positively by its players which is why I am now bringing it to your attention!
Yu Escape / Monday Gameplay
You play as Yu, a young man trapped in his room by her girlfriend Shi, a girl who enjoys designing Escape Rooms. Solve brain-bending puzzles, enjoy comedic situations, and most important of all, find a way to outsmart Shi.
Pick up items and use them to solve puzzles to draw closer to victory. When you win, you are rewarded with erotic images of Shi.
Team Tailnut has made other lewd games like Smutty Scrolls, an erotic drag ‘n drop puzzle adventure where you play three versions of yourself at the same time.
Lockdown Lewd Up is yet another puzzle game from TailNut inspired by the Covid-19 situation. Puzzle your way to peace of mind by finding ways to kill time efficiently, like playing erotic minigames with lewd rewards.
For more erotic puzzle games, check out HuniePop 2 and What a Legend!