Spooky Starlets: Movie Monsters Trailer

Spooky starlets logo - Hentai - NSFW

Spooky Starlets: Movie Monsters is an erotic deck-building porn studio simulator, developed by FlynnFlann & Team Spooky and published by TinyHat Studios on Steam in Early Access, 21st of December, 2020.

In Spooky Starlets you get to work alongside monstergirls in afterlife creating porn in a studio full of cameras and sexy porn actresses. Using cards, you can build sex scenes that play in sequence. Outside of the studio, you can choose different places across a small town map and visit monstergirls to chat with and advance the story. I had a chance to try out Spooky Starlets on Newgrounds not too long ago, and even though it had very little to offer at the time, it did allow me to get to know the game and what it is about…

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Spooky Starlets Gameplay

Spooky Starlets 1 - Hentai - NSFW

You have mysteriously died and taken your place in the afterlife where, without hesitation, you are assigned to direct porn for who knows what reason exactly, it is a hentai game, do not question the logic behind it…

There are various monstergirls to meet who will take their part in having sex in front of cameras under your directions. It is up to you to make these monstergirls get famous and gain a strong following before time runs out. With each filming session a day goes by, drawing you closer to your deadline. But what awaits behind it is something that was not available in the Newgrounds version nor explained anywhere for me to be able to tell you.

Spooky Starlets 4 - Hentai - NSFW

The idea behind Spooky Starlets is a simple one, collect cards that hold sex scenes and Starlet monstergirls and place them on a table to create scenes that play one after another, then, enjoy. There is pretty much nothing else to it really. The game does try to give you more reason to get interested in this system, but personally, it was a very barebone experience, like something was missing…

Nothing in the card system really gave me a reason to get excited over it. All I did was place different cards on the table and watched sex scenes play. Getting new cards also was something that had no real value in my eyes, they were just there for me to take without any challenge. Unless one enjoys the game purely for its sex scenes alone, there really is no actual gameplay here to speak of.

Spooky Starlets 8 - Hentai - NSFW

When you are not shooting porn, you are navigating a simple town map with various locations where visual novel style story-telling takes place. You get to talk to the monstergirls and at the end of these scenes there is usually a sexy drawing to enjoy and new cards to pick.

Spooky Starlets is an interesting idea for an adult game, though perhaps I am a bit disappointed to see that the idea was not taken as far as I had hoped. Then again, this is an Early Access game which still has a potential to improve and add more features and content. Hopefully the developers will find a reason to take another look at their card-building system and give it an interesting challenge to make it more worthwhile.

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Spooky Starlets 3 - Hentai - NSFW

Spooky Starlets Early Access

Spooky Starlets 9 - Hentai - NSFW

Currently Spooky Starlets runs on Early Access. The developers are building the game with the help of crowdfunding and it is said that the game has been in development for many years now.

Eventually, the full version will feature more content like story and drawn sex scenes, but all of this will be brought to you in updates throughout the Early Access until full release. Currently, all of the girls have their introductory scenes available, voice acting included. Some of the girls have multiple scenes with 8+ CGs to offer. There are 12+ sex animations in the game for each of the 8 unique starlets, plus the default generic ghost girl starlet who appears when no specific starlet card is used.

It is promised that the game will remain at its current price point once it leaves Early Access. If you wish to take part in the development of Spooky Starlets, the developers are active on Discord and appreciate any feedback and bug reports. There will also be a Steam community forum available later on.

You can either buy the game on Steam, or become a patron on TinyHat Alpha to gain access to various Patreon benefits like latest game test-builds, exclusive game content, nsfw images, and more.

If you enjoy adult games with card gameplay mechanics, you might want to check out Venture Seas. It offers card battles and simplistic dungeon crawling, but more importantly an exciting visual novel adventure where you can build your own character and get intimate with your crew.

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