The Impregnation of the Elves Trailer

The Impregnation of the Elves: Conquest of the Arrogant Fairies by Impregnation (Boy, that is a long name…) is an erotic game featuring simple one-on-one battles and a straightforward short storyline to follow.

Developed by a Chinese indie studio “永恆艾莉絲工坊” and published by PlayMeow Games and Alice Publication on Steam, the game was released on 16th of November 2022.

Instead of orcs running around capturing helpless elves for their own pleasure, Elves are the ones capturing orcs to use their semen to get pregnant. You are one of the “unfortunate” orcs who have been captured but with a little help from a divine source, it is time to break free and fight back. Punish the naughty elves with your mighty crotch sword.

The impregnation of the Elves delivers 6 sexy elves to battle and 15 basic CGs.

Orc fighting a sexy elf girl

For more hentai games featuring simple combat, check out Warrior Girl and Hentai Labyrinth.

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