The Way Home Trailer

The Way Home (officially known in Japanese “還道“) is a Japanese exclusive short erotic horror game offering multiple endings, developed by 旅猫キャンプ (Tabineko Camp) and released on DLsite on July 29, 2021.

Navigate a lonely girl back home in the middle of the night through the dark streets of a not-so-familiar neighborhood and witness the bizarre dangers that await within. Enjoy lewd scenes wrapped around the horrors and unravel the mystery hidden behind multiple endings.

The Way Home Game Main Menu Screen

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The Way Home Gameplay

Simple but effective, The Way Home offers fantastically illustrated horror that does not necessarily aim to scare its audience but rather woo them with its charming tiny world inhabited by strange ghostly figures and paranormal activity.

The game is played in a loop in which the player navigates a girl from the local bathhouse back to her apartment each night with different events occurring on the same path, slowly growing more ominous as the story progresses. Within this straightforward path, NPC interactions and simple puzzles take place that shape the ending depending on player action.

Short but sweet, the game can be enjoyed in about an hour but it leaves a lasting impression and a craving to play again to seek different ways how the story will end!


The Way Home tells a short story of a girl who has just moved into a new neighborhood. Lacking a bath at her apartment, she often goes to a local bathhouse in the evening, but little does she know that the way back home will grow to become more and more dangerous as days go by. Strangers of the night and ghostly figures become more present in the street but the nights are not without a few new faces to call friends.


With only a couple of simple puzzles to offer, The Way Home is more of an experience to walk through rather than play through but despite the lack of puzzles and things to do, the unique illustrated horror and mystery behind the story is what captures the audience.

How you choose to interact with the world and certain events impact the ending. Some characters provide important information to keep in mind for later events that can help when seeking a better ending.

The Way Home Hentai

Offering no intercourse of any sort, The Way Home keeps its adult content checked and thus offers only tasteful nudity used to tease its audience. Within the short story, there is a satisfying amount of adult content to enjoy, sprinkled around the game in the form of ghostly encounters and bathhouse nudity.

The game stands strong on its own even without the adult content, but having some eye candy in the midst of the horrors should only help seal the deal for a potential customer. Unfortunately, the game is without an adult gallery, so the reward for completing the game is merely a memory of the experience, thus forcing you to play the game again if seeking to re-enjoy the old H-scenes.

The Way Home currently offers no official English translation, but there are places to get the game that provides Google auto-translation to help those who lack the ability to read Japanese.

The game in no way is difficult to complete, even when faced with a language barrier. Much of the game is just walking forward without a chance of taking a wrong turn and getting lost. Many of the events can be understood simply through visuals without needing text to explain, though the story will partly stay a mystery as a result in this case.

For more Horror-themed adult games, check out Sinisistar, Anthophobia, and I Walk Among Zombies.

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