I Walk Among Zombies (ゾンビのあふれた世界で俺だけが襲われない) is an adult visual novel telling an episodic tale of a zombie apocalypse in Japan, divided into volumes sold separately. Developed by Seacoxx and published by Denpasoft, the game was released on Steam on December 17, 2018.
Consisting of three volumes belonging to the main story (1-3), I Walk Among Zombies also has Volume 0 which is not the beginning of the grim tale, unlike many would think based on the numerical order. The story begins in Volume 1 and ends in Volume 3.
Volume 0 acts as an OVA, a fan service that tells short stories featuring the main characters of the series. Starting from Volume 0 is not advised before completing the main story as the events taking place are written in a way that requires knowledge of the previous events.
I Walk Among Zombies Gameplay
A pure visual novel with no player interaction nor branching narrative, I Walk Among Zombies focuses on delivering a disturbingly addicting story, along with erotic moments worth waiting for. From the beginning till the very end, the player will get to sit back and relax and simply enjoy reading a story that is not in a hurry to jump into adult scenes or create cheap excuses for such.
Volume 1 mostly focuses on two main characters, Yuusuke Takemura and Mitsuki Fujino, who together try to survive the zombie apocalypse while slowly forming a romantic relationship. Not trying to dust the zombies under a rug in favor of a typical love story, the game provides zombie-filled entertainment for many hours while leaving the audience craving for more at the end of it.
The story follows Yuusuke who is a shut-in person due to having lost his job after the company he worked for went bankrupt. On a faithful day when our protagonist decides to leave his apartment, he gets attacked by a stranger which results in a bitten arm followed by a fever that puts Yuusuke in bed for several days from which the man wakes to a new world infested by zombies.
A few survivors are left remaining in the wake of a new era for mankind, and in the midst of the chaos, Yuusuke finds himself the only one unharmed by the living dead. Such power provides him the advantage to survive better than the rest but for how long as the need to protect those important to him suddenly becomes priority one. If zombies were not bad enough to deal with, Yuusuke will learn that humans can prove to be a greater threat, a force to which there is no immunity.
The story features a full Japanese voice acting for the female cast. Much of the events are left for the imagination, mostly guided by text and background art. Grotesque images are lacking and the deaths of characters are simply illustrated by blood splatters. Despite this, the story does an excellent job painting the dark images into the viewers’ minds through words.
Yuusuke, the main protagonist of the story, is described as a self-centered man, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. He can be cruel at times, a true low-life who takes advantage of others, but his reasoning comes from the place of rational thinking who naturally looks out for himself before anyone else in order to survive and make the best of the worst situation.
Yuusuke is not painted as a typical hero of the story for the audience to root for, but it is exactly his selfishness and reasons behind such behavior that makes him feel human in a world that is no longer the same and in which moral codes no longer abide. The story gradually gives reason for Yuusuke to develop as a character and become something more than what he started with.
The world of “I Walk Among Zombies” is a grim one but visually impressive. No budget was spared in painting the environments and this shows in constant change of scenery throughout the story. No single scene overstays its welcome and within every place of interest the protagonist visits there are several sub-sections to bring depth to each scene.
Music Gallery
Upon completing the story, you unlock a music gallery from which to enjoy several soundtracks used throughout the game, including the opening and ending themes.
I walk Among Zombies Hentai
Taking its sweet time to build towards each hentai scene, I Walk Among Zombies favors a well-structured story-telling over lewd scenes while rewarding its audience for their patience. Each adult scene is worth the wait, illustrated in gorgeous artwork that is a real treat for the eyes to behold.
The first volume holds seven unique hentai scenes, from which several have sub-phases providing more stunning artwork to enjoy within the same scene.
Despite the grim nature of the story and how the first adult scenes are introduced, the hentai is not without its vanilla content. I Walk Among Zombies Volume 1 slowly jumps from hardcore to vanilla as the story progresses, thus pleasing both types of audiences while favoring the vanilla audience over the other.
For a world so dark and gloomy, it is good to mention that the adult scenes are free of death, blood, and gore, not including the blood of virgins. I Walk Among Zombies Volume 1 focuses on two female characters: Mitsuki Fujino and Tokiko Kurose – From which Mitsuki outshines Tokiko in runtime for both the story and adult scenes.
After completing the story, you unlock a complete gallery from which previously seen adult scenes can be enjoyed. each CG can be viewed along with all the different phases of the same image.
I walk Among Zombies 18+ hentai patch
When purchasing the game from Steam, you get to enjoy fully uncensored adult content without any blur effects up until Volume 3 and 0, at which point you are required to download an 18+ hentai patch provided by denpasoft.com for free. Do note that the 18+ patch is not required for those who have purchased the game from Denpasoft.
To see which Volumes on Steam require a patch, the developer has omitted “(Adult Version)” from the product title. The reason behind the requirement of the patch for the last two volumes is likely due to sensitive subjects that go against Steam guidelines.
I Walk Among Zombies Volumes:
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