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Crisis Point: Extinction Trailer

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Crisis Point: Extinction is a pixel-styled Metroidvania action-platformer currently in development by Anon42.

Crisis Point focuses to deliver an exciting well fleshed out combat and platforming experience, with added bonus of adult content mixed in.

Crisis Point: Extinction Gameplay

Mankind has discovered the secrets to long-distance space travel but in doing so, they become infected with a virus which results in babies being born only females.

Explore the Metroidvania-styled levels that take you both above and below the surface of a strange alien planet. Fight monsters and bosses using your trusted laser gun and explore caves, ancient ruins, alien jungles, and more, all while searching for a cure to save humanity.

Along your journey, you will meet various characters ready to aid you on your dangerous travels. All these characters, including you, are fully voice acted!

The gameplay of Crisis Point revolves around exploration and finding new abilities. These new abilities will allow you to access new areas and reach powerups that were out-of-reach before.

You can discover new types of ammo to your blaster and switch between them to find your ideal play style when facing different types of enemies.

Saving your adventures happen at warp portals which are scattered across the world. These waypoints also allow you to teleport between other warp portals for fast travel.

The Metroidvania-styled levels are home to challenging mini-bosses that will require both fast reflexes and good aim to overcome.

Prepare yourself for the toughest challenges yet to come by exploring the world and collecting skill points and extra health.

Crisis Point: Extinction Hentai

Each new enemy type comes with unique animated hentai scenes to enjoy. By defeating enemies for the first time, you collect them to your physical gallery room from where you can enjoy them at any time when returning to base camp.

You may lure enemies to have sex with you by masturbating near them or when being defeated. Sex by masturbation is safe and lets you test out new enemies for fun while sex by being defeated sends you back to the last visited warp portal.

Enemies not only hold tasty H-animations to enjoy while adventuring, but they also come with their very own unique CG hentai scenes viewable at the base camp by talking to a professor who you aid with alien sex research.

These lewd CGs are story-driven and fully voice-acted. Whenever defeating a new enemy type for the first time, it can be worthwhile to check back at the base camp to enjoy the newly unlocked CG hentai scenes.

Crisis Point First impression

Crisis Point Extinction is a quite charming little pixel action platformer that may start somewhat rough at first but gets better and more exciting with newly discovered abilities.

The fully voice-acted characters help the story feel more pleasant and easier to follow, despite sometimes feeling like the characters speak more than what is necessary.

I must admit, I had a very hard time mastering the controls of Crisis Point. I am not a huge fan of its multi-directional aim system that more often than not leads the player to be hit by enemies while trying to adjust their aim up or down.

The hentai is always down to personal taste, and in my case, I found the fully voice acted lewd CGs simple but powerful enough to make me want to play more in search of new hentai rewards.

Unfortunately, I can not say the same about the animated hentai scenes experienced while exploring, too many of them felt far too simplistic for my own personal taste but I would not put it past me to think someone else could find them enjoyable.

To play Crisis Point: Extinction, there is a public demo available on If you are looking to play more of Crisis Point, you can support the developer on Patreon and gain access to updated test-builds of the game, as well as a standalone hentai gallery containing all of the H-scene sprite animations.

For more exciting lewd Metroidvania experiences, check out Alien Quest EVE.

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