DoHna DoHna Gameplay [Hospital]

DoHna DoHna is an erotic Visual Novel JRPG created by Alicesoft and localized in English and published by Shiravune for the western audience, 29 October 2021. You can learn more about this title by watching the trailer and checking its description.

Take on an evil corporation ruling over a city known as Asougi together with your criminal friends and fight the system while funding your operations by hustling girls as a side business. In DoHna DoHna you get to follow a story of a group of anti-heroes while taking part in visually stunning turn-based combat.

Within this video, you get to take a look at DoHna DoHna’s early gameplay beyond the demo. Three new major characters make an appearance and eventually, two of them will join your party and take part in future battles, as well as erotic scenes.

DoHna DoHna’s loop of gameplay is very simple but effective. Most of the time is spent hustling girls to earn income and going on hunting missions in dungeons to capture new girls to hustle that will replace mentally exhausted girls in favor of better ones able to earn more income. In between are story segments pushing forward the main story, but in order to advance, the player must first complete certain objectives displayed on the “ToDo list” that demands things such as scoring a certain amount of income on a single hustling night or clearing a dungeon, just to name a few.

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