Evenicle is a 3D adventure Eroge RPG released in 2015 by Alicesoft. Thanks to Mangagamer, Evenicle became available in English for the western audience in 2018. The game is available even on Steam.
This is a game well praised for its beautiful art style, which was drawn by Nan Yaegashi, the character designer of Senran Kagura. One glance at Evenicle tells everything one needs to know that they are in for a special treat of an epic ero-adventure!
When purchasing the game from Steam, as of right now, you have nothing to worry about. The Western release of Evenicle offers a fully uncensored experience and even removes the mosaic-blurring effect from all the characters’ private parts.
Evenicle Story
Evenicle tells the story of a young hero Asterisk who dreams of marrying and enjoying two of his beautiful twin sisters (Not related by blood). However, In a world created by Goddess Mother Eve, such a thing is deemed as heresy, followed by a severe punishment of losing Mother Eve’s blessing and becoming an outlaw marked by a dark ring with a curse on it.
Only Knights can enjoy the luxury of having multiple sexual partners, and so, Asterisk has only one option in his hand if he wishes not to follow the path of forsaken ones, those outlawed and rejected by the world and society.
Knights are sworn to protect humanity from monsters and outlaws, they are divine warriors of Mother Eve who are granted the blessing to enjoy multiple partners to pass their strong genes and ensure a safe future for the next generation.
Living with his twin elder sisters Kinou and Kyou, Asterisk can not decide which one to marry and so he decides to embark on a journey to travel the world in order to become a knight and have many sexual partners. Not the noblest quest but a quest nonetheless.
The path ahead is not easy for our hero. Rather, it is filled with many dangers. Luckily Asterisk will meet several girls willing to accompany him who will act as his sword and shield when things get tough.
Evenicle Gameplay
Travel the world of Evenicle with a party of cute girls and battle dangerous monsters and outlaws in thrilling turn-based combat. Mix and match different skills to overcome your battles! Capture Monstergirls and enjoy them in revealing poses!
The turn-based combat takes form in 3D environment just like the world exploration. The Battles are animated in an amusing cutesy whimsical style and the monster designs vary greatly from one another with each enemy type having its own weaknesses to take advantage of.
Evenicle sets you in a world viewed from a bird-eye angle where you can explore open areas and emerge yourself in a simplistic yet exciting world with dangerous dungeons to explore, towns to visit, places of interest to discover, and strange monsters and characters to encounter.
Typical to the RPG formula, you can gain experience through battles and level up your character, gain skill points, and more. Leveling happens through a town NPC or inventory-stored tickets that can be used on the go when there is no town nearby.
During world exploration, you are free to move as you please. There are various points of interest to discover, treasure chests to find, and fountains to restore HP from. Monsters appear randomly based on the distance traveled and some places like off-road paths can hide strong enemies ready to ambush at any time.
New skills and gear can be acquired from chests or through battles and equipping them is just as easy as one-two-three. All the items and information are explained plain and simple, easy enough for any newcomer to grasp from the very start but also not holding hands too much for veterans of the genre.
Enjoy stunningly beautiful visual novel story-telling and hot erotic scenes! Female characters are often voice-acted and the same applies to male characters as well! The voice acting is top-notch as is to be expected from Japanese eroges.
No matter how far you travel, the world of Evenicle simply does not stop to amaze with its beautiful female character designs. In every waiting corner there is always some new cute girl to meet, and even though it takes some time to get to the action at first, it is all worth it once the story picks up the pace.
While the story is packed with lots of humor, it also can be pretty serious and grim at times. Evenicle strikes a fine balance between the two for your typical fantasy adventure where the hero is a horny virgin with his heart in the right place, surrounded by girls who all seem to fall for him for all the wrong reasons.
Evenicle already has a sequel released as a Japanese exclusive (Evenicle 2), but Alicesoft is working on the localized English version with a release date yet to be announced.
Evenicle 2 – Clinical Trial Edition on Steam lets you enjoy a free demo already translated into English. Evenicle 2 does not appear to follow the events of the first game but rather introduces a completely new playable hero and a new cast of female characters to enjoy. To learn more about Evenicle 2, watch the trailer.