Koikatsu Sunshine Character Creator Full Version

Koikatsu Sunshine is an erotic anime dating simulator in which you create countless dream waifu characters and place them on a tropical paradise island to date and have sex with. Developed by Illusion, Sunshine was released in Japan 27th of August 2021. To learn more about the game, watch the Koikatsu Sunshine trailer and check the video description.

In this video, you get to see four different characters being created and customized from start to finish while showcasing many different features of the character creator. Koikatsu Sunshine uses Koikatsu Party’s character engine as a base for its slightly improved customization environment that brings a small handful of new clothing options and accessories along with it.

Koikatsu character personalities

Koikatsu Sunshine has 40 character personalities to enjoy, all of them fully voice acted with unique voice lines to listen to both while dating and when having sex. All of the personalities are ready to be used right from the get-go without any need to unlock them.

In addition to personalities, the tone of the character can also be slightly tweaked to either a more high-pitched or lower-tone voice. Character personalities can be reassigned mid-game when accessing the character card through the accommodation menu screen.

Sunshine brings 6 new personalities into the game to expand upon the previous personalities brought from the earlier title and its DLCs; 正統派ヒロイン (Typical heroine), 気さく (Friendly), 純真無垢 (Pure), 島っ娘 (Island native), 方言娘 (Dialect), and Sッ気 (Tsundere).

Koikatsu Sunshine DLC

When first stepping into the Koikatsu Sunshine character creator, it can be hard to pinpoint what exactly are brand new clothes exclusive to Sunshine, but this is simply because there are not that many new additions, contradictory to Illusion’s marketing campaign of promising more than what they have delivered. However, with a promise of free DLCs released throughout the first year of the game’s release, the character creator is yet to expand its collection of new clothes.

All of the DLCs will require a manual download via Illusion’s official website which is exclusive to people living in Japan. The barrier however can be bypassed using a VPN service.

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