Introducing Advertisements to the Website

Introducing Advertisements to the Website

Anime girl looking at internet ads

I want to share a quick update. I have added advertisements to further help support the platform and its operations, including content creation.

First and foremost, subscribers (EroClub PRO members) won’t be affected by this change. You’ll still enjoy an uninterrupted, ad-free experience. However, while we’re getting everything set up, you might see a few misplaced ads temporarily. My apologies for the inconvenience.

Right now, I’m exploring options for the types of ads to feature and their placement on the site. While I aim to prioritize ads that align with the interests of my audience, there are limits to how much control I have over the content.

As we test and experiment with the ads, the website’s appearance might look a little off at times, but I appreciate your patience as we fine-tune everything. Once the adjustments are complete, things will settle back to normal.

Thank you for your understanding and support as I take this step to ensure the platform’s sustainability.

these changes took up most of my weekend to get things moving, so this week’s new artwork is slightly delayed. I’m aiming to finish the latest piece and publish it early next week. Stay tuned!

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